In 2019, my wife and I went to New Orleans for our honeymoon. We went for the cocktails but when we arrived, we fell in love with Po-boys!

After living on these things (and a fair few cocktails) for several weeks, when we came home, we just started recreating them at home until one day we decided, everybody must try these.


Po-boys originated in 1929 at the start of the Great Depression in America. The depression lead to many people being out of work or striking for better pay. Among them were the Streetcar conductors of New Orleans. Whist on strike, the men in power tried to cut off their supply to food and water as a way of making them break and go back to work. Two restaurateurs, formerly streetcar conductors, arranged for the boys to be fed and made them all some big hot sandwiches. Using low quality meat cooked for hours is what made these sandwiches famous. The delicious taste of roast beef and gravy wrapped in bread.

When the strikers came past the restaurant they would ask for a “Poor boy sandwich”. This was then abbreviated to the term Po’boy, in the classic NOLA way.

The strike came and went, as did the great depression, but these sandwiches lived on and today they are more popular than ever. Serving Lobster, crayfish, alligator sausage, catfish, shrimp, pork belly and of course, the classic Roast Beef.

So here we are, Cocktails & Po-boys, bringing the Big Easy to you.

Come in, relax and take it easy.